Hello teams,
I just wanted to give you a quick update on the tournament. The longterm weather forecast for the weekend is looking good. :) That's all I am going to say about weather, but everyone keep their fingers crossed.
The tournament will be held at UPI (http://www.ocua.ca/leaguerunner/gmaps/view/1) For those of you who haven't been to UPI before, disc central will be on the clubhouse rise, which is located between Fields 1 and 2.
At disc central, you can find the following:
- schedule and score reporting tent
- free field food (bagels, fruit, cookies, etc)
- physio tent
- Education in Action (charity) selling coffee, cold drinks and gatorade
- BBQ (run by scarlett)
- Beer Garden (please note that all beer must remain within the fenced area)
- Merchandise by FIVE ultimate and Daredevil Discs (clothing and discs respectively)
As parking is limited, there is a parking fee which depends on the number of people in your car:
1 Person- $5
2 People- $4
3 People- $3
4 People- $2
4 People- $2
We will not be having a captain's meeting prior to the start of games, but if you still owe me money, come find me in the Score Reporting Tent.
Please remember to place all garbage in the garbage bags which are tied to the field markers.
I will be sending out a schedule to the captains by the middle of the week. Along with the schedule, I will include any additional information about tournament specific rules (timecap, lightening protocol, etc).
If you have any questions, please let me know.
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