Mixed Up will no longer be a standalone tournament as it has been combined with No Borders. No Borders will now have a coed division.
For more information and to register go to: http://www.ocua.ca/no-borders-ultimate
If you see lightning the game should be discontinued. In order to ensure the safety of our members OCUA employs the "30-30" rule. The first 30 refers to seconds. If you see lightning and can 'stall count' to thirty or more before you hear the attending thunder, then the lightning is at a safe distance and you can leave the field in normal fashion. Less than thirty and you should immediately discontinue play and seek appropriate cover quickly. The second 30 refers to 30 minutes. You should wait for half an hour until after the last lightning is observed before resuming your game.If you are caught in the open by a sudden storm, get to shelter as fast as you can. An automobile provides some protection due to its rubber tires; standing beside a car with an umbrella does not. Remember that lightning is attracted to conductive material like the metal of an automobile. If you are unable to reach shelter, then assuming the 'lightning safety position' is the best alternative. Squat to lower your profile and touch your heels together, in order to direct any charge away from vital organs to your legs. Cover your ears to avoid damage from thunder. Never lie on the ground, as lightning will travel along wet ground and by lying down you have exposed your heart to the possibility of close contact with a ground traveling strike. If your body hair stands up, then a strike is imminent, immediately assume the safety position or get to cover.